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There are times in each persons life when typical Christianity doesn’t work anymore. In those times in our lives we tend to evaluate why we do the things we do. Why do we come to church? Why do we sit with other believers and sing songs? Is this all there is? Is this my higher purpose? Was I created to sit in a room and sing a few melodies and read a few passages from the Bible? Is there more?

The answer is yes; there is more. Christianity isn’t about what we say or do. If we were born in Mexico we would be Mexican. If we were born in Africa, we would be African. If we were born in America, we would be American. And if we are born in Christ; we are Christian.

Christianity is not about the different activities that we do, it really isn’t. It’s about Him; Christ.

Why are we here then? If it’s about Jesus, why are we still here? Think about this for a second. Wouldn’t it be easier to worship God in our glorified bodies without sin getting in the way? Wouldn’t it be easier to walk in the Spirit and abide in Christ if we could see Jesus face to face? Yes it would be! So why are we here?

We are here for a purpose; to worship God in every aspect of our lives. God desires to make us holy and holiness is nothing less than carrying out the will of God.

The best way to experience holiness is by placing our hearts in the hands of Jesus and allowing Him to take these hearts of clay and mold them and fashion them in such a way that we are tools in the Masters hand.

Oswald J. Smith said, “Oh my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work of the church, that of evangelizing and winning souls is almost entirely neglected.”

Charles Spurgeon said “Lost! Lost! Lost! Better a whole world on fire than a soul lost! Better every star quenched and the skies a wreck than a single soul to be lost!”

And the world is on fire these days, isn't it? Why are we here then?

We are here to worship God through obeying His word and that means that we are to bring His word to the lost. There is no time to play, time is running out. We need to go forth and proclaim God’s word to this lost world.

That is why we are here and that is what worship is. It is tuning into Him. Worship is about dying to our own desires so that we can carry out His desires. Worship is about exalting Jesus in every part of our lives everyday!

All the references in the New Testament that speak of, “Christ in you,” “You in Christ,” “Christ our life,” and “abiding in Christ” are not just figures of speech. (John 15, Ephesians 3:14-21, Galatians 2:20 and Philippians 1:21). And this is what worship is. It is abiding in Him and He in you so that others may come to know Him.

Jesus' love has no bounds. He has called us chosen for His kingdom. We are His beloved and He is not ashamed to call us His own. In light of this, let us give Him every part of us. From our head to our feet.

Give Him our hands, limbs, eyes, lips, brain; and all that we are within and without. Let God send this body of ours to Africa or send us with His message to Iraq. Let Him send this body to Asia or send it to the hospital with those who have COVID-19 in order to bring this incredible gospel to all people.

This body of ours is His body from this moment on. My prayer is that God would help Himself to it, to use it for His incredible glory. He has accepted us. How do I know this? because in Romans 12:1 it says, “acceptable unto God."

There is a world in need and we have the answers they are desperately searching for. Let us be a people who would be willing to count the cost and do the work that is so needed in the time in which we live. We have hope, for He has made promises to us that He will fulfill. His promises will come to pass.

Until then, may we always be found doing the work, reaching the needy and sharing the gospel message to a world that is crying out for something tangible, something real, something pure, and right. Let us be a people who are willing to reach the ends of the earth with the incredible message of God's all-inclusive love.

Let us be a people who seek to know God and make God known.

Deeper Waters Christian Ministries

5525 SW Menlo Drive

Beaverton, OR 97005

2018 © DWCM Productions.

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